What I do

Wellness coaching

Where East meets West in the Healing Arts

Do you know the type? beautiful souls who have been buffeted by the waves that only made them wiser… savvy leaders, battered by the storms, who stood their ground and grew even stronger. They are people with grit + grace, they usually know what they need to know and do what they need to do, but this time is different. This time they are pacing at the edge of the shoreline, not knowing what to do. Maybe this is you. Maybe this is your time to take that 1st step away from the surety of the shoreline into the the wondrous realm of what seems to be the impossible… to walk on water.

Are you ready to live well and age gracefully? It’s time for your breakthrough!

Connect with me:


Deep Dive into Wellness

MELT is a self-care technique, proven to reduce chronic pain and restore overall wellbeing by bringing fluid through the body’s fascia/connective tissue.

121 Coaching

Below the surface, you are aching for breakthrough in body, soul, and spirit. Our services include MELT Method Hand+Foot treatments, inspiring art tours and activities, breath and life coaching packages, (+more), to help you live well and age gracefully. Services are custom curated for individuals and groups.

Coaching 4 Coaches

Participate in empowering group and 121 sessions designed to move your coaching practice forward. Together, we will be stretched and strengthened, encouraging one another… because, sometimes, the cheerleader needs a cheerleader.

Are you interested in a unique, private Art Museum Tour experience? Visit www.museum121.com

Talks + Tours

Maryann is available for private art museum tours (in Northeast Ohio) and speaking engagements that inspire personal growth and positive community action. She has developed a fun, engaging and interactive presentation style called Visual Thinking Conversations.

Publishing + a Podcast

Maryann has a lot to share with you. Follow Studio121 Wellness on social media and here at the website for updates + launches.

a podcast is in the dream phase…

Life Coaching Packages

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

How can I help you be the real you and to achieve your dreams of a life worth living? Let’s start a conversation

a Change of Mind

LEVEL 1: 3 months


Take that 1st step of faith away from the surety of the shoreline. Join me in the metaphorical boat, facing your fears + false identities, and reflecting on personal ASSESSMENT activities. Through these exercises and listening prayers, you will discover who you were meant to be… because the world needs the True You.

KINTSUGI is the Japanese art of golden joinery, adorning broken ceramics with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, highlighting imperfections rather than hiding them. The process makes the objects stronger than they were and more beautiful. Does that sound like your life story?

Where East meets West: c’est la vie That’s life, and there’s not much you can do about it… or is there?

a Change of Heart

LEVEL 2: 6 months


I will be your anchor as we swim below the surface: setting goals that align with the real you and navigating setbacks. I will hold you accountable for your ACTION steps – one step at a time – so that you will do what it takes to bring what you had only imagined, to life. In the process, those around you should see the transformation.

KAIZEN is a Japanese term that means continuous improvement in all aspects of life. Breaking goals into manageable action steps encourages people to overcome laziness and promotes personal transformation. Are you ready to be the hero in your own epic, life journey?

Where East meets West: joie de vivre Are you living fully and passionately, enjoying every single moment… even the challenges?

a Change of Direction

LEVEL 3: 12 months


Reflecting on your transformative journey from grit to grace, we will explore additional resources to define your life’s purpose, encourage you to try new things, and celebrate ACHIEVEMENTS. Design your unique mission – your calling – to become a servant leader, making waves in this world, locally and globally.

IKIGAI is the reason for which you wake up in the morning. Ikigai is the key to a long and happy life worth living, in Japanese culture. Are you ready to explore that which what brings you joy? At the intersection of mission, passion, profession, and talent is your unique way to empower the world!

Where East meets West: raison d’être Your reason to be is within your reach! Let’s start the conversation on your path to transformation!


Walk on Water with Maryann Wohlwend

The waves keep rolling, rolling… always rolling. That’s the ocean. That’s life. Discovering the True Me, the unique individual that God created, helped in discerning and designing a life with real purpose. I am a cheerleader, a mermaid, a living water, encouraging and empowering other strong and savvy, sinking souls from breakthrough to transformation!

What clients are saying about Maryann / Studio121 Wellness

a Life Giving Process


Are you looking for a unique experience? I went to the Cleveland Museum of Art with Studio121 Wellness and was asked to pick out a painting that caught my eye. The experience that followed made me experience art in a fresh, inspiring and new way with Maryann Wohlwend as my guide. It is a life giving process you don’t want to miss.


Warrior for Women

My life has transformed


Studio121 Wellness…


The Real You

Turning point


Maryann’s guidance…


The Real You


How are coaching sessions conducted?

Our coaching sessions are conducted IN PERSON in northeast Ohio and/or ONLINE via secure video conferencing platforms, ensuring convenience and accessibility for clients worldwide. We offer 121 (individual) and group sessions.

What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness Coaching is a process that helps individuals gain clarity about their lives. Coaches partner with individuals to overcome challenges through: assessments, actionable goal setting, and holding them accountable to achieve their goals. For us, wellness means overall-wellbeing, which is why we offer services that treat the body, soul, and spirit.

What commitment is required?

A commitment to wellness coaching requires regular attendance to sessions, understanding the need for change, and a willingness to actively apply learned strategies in daily life for optimal results.

What results can I expect?

From Wellness Coaching, you can expect a transformation from where you are to where you want to be. You will be introduced to techniques and strategies to help your body, soul, and spirit get unstuck and moving forward. Your coach will respectfully challenge and graciously encourage you throughout the process, and joyfully celebrate successes along the way. When your body feels well, your soul is free to discover its dreams and your spirit is open to pursue your unique life purpose.

How much does the coaching cost?

Our coaching fees vary based on the services selected and its duration. For your custom coaching plan, please contact us directly for a tailored quote.

What is meant by “East meets West in the Healing Arts”?

Studio121 Wellness holds a biblical worldview and a global vision. Most healing arts programs are based upon Eastern practices or New Age philosophies. Our programs are founded upon The Bible, bridging its wisdom with specific forms of ancient Japanese teachings such as Kintsugi, Kaizen, and Ikigai.

What is MELT Method?

MELT is a gentle self-care technique that enhances mobility, stability, and performance and is clinically proven to reduce chronic pain and restore overall wellbeing. The fundamental cause of chronic pain, symptoms of aging, and more is dehydrated fascia, the supportive connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, organ, bone, blood vessel, and nerve fiber in the body. Maryann is certified to teach MELT Hand+Foot treatments, which can restore fascia to its supple nature.

What should I expect from a private art museum tour?

I facilitate engaging, interactive tours. The tours are not lecture-based. Whether you know nothing about art or are quite knowledgeable, anyone can participate in our Visual Thinking Conversation style tours. Everyone’s interpretations are welcome and encouraged. The experience could have you learning to look slowly at art or expressing yourself with a creative writing prompt. You will be challenged to continue the conversation within (as a reflection), with us, and with others in your community. Our tours can be curated for 1 participant or as a team-building experience for your crew.


Are you ready to discover the Real You and your reason to be?

Let’s start a conversation. Schedule your FREE consultation.